Founded in 2017 and headquartered in New York, USA, zobest is founded by a team of professionals with rich experience in finance and blockchain technology. The company is committed to optimizing the cryptocurrency transaction process, improving transaction efficiency, reducing costs, and maximizing the benefits of users through innovative intelligent transaction technology and advanced AI solutions.zobest It provides spot and contract trading services for a variety of mainstream cryptocurrencies. Users can freely buy and sell cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum to enjoy an efficient and convenient trading experience. In addition, zobest also provides professional high-frequency quantitative trading tools and intelligent trading solutions to help users capture small opportunities in the market and achieve stable appreciation of assets. The company's high-frequency quantitative managed trading system adopts a distributed architecture to ensure the high availability and scalability of the system. The system includes data acquisition module, data processing module, transaction execution module and risk management module. Each module works together to ensure the efficiency and security of the transaction.